Thursday, November 22, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012


It wasnt like taking a breath, a single moment interval, the release of air, and then...Epiphany. No, the universe decided that my journey, to that moment I realized the urgency had disappeared; had to be done with a lot of walking. Before my epiphany comes, I must sleep many places away from my homeland. Until then my wanderlust will comfort me in my be tonight. - Last dying words.

Ernest Hemingway: The writer

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The anointed drowns and

shivers of disappointment, deliciously
caresses down my spine and ripples like a pebble
dropped in the middle of the ocean.
I craved them, it seems almost as desperately as I
am trembling insatiably at the mercy of
yet another heart shaped stone.
Attached to my feet as I lethargically sink slowly.