Monday, August 5, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
Ode to Alcohol
Soft bubbly courage, had me pooling in my seat, and I could not tell if it was the liquor warming my face or the sound of her laugh. Cheeks reddened with heat, was a detail that became less important as I continued to drink.
Combined with the unbashful moon, performing her monthly dance, rising, rising, rising. And the cool sips on my hot tongue, I turned into the lunatic mothers warn their daughters of. When I pressed lips against lips to the mouth of the bottle, I pretended it was not glass but flesh. My eyes wanted her to see that I wanted the hard stained ridges to turned into soft sensual creases.
Dizziness would of toppled me over if not for the grip around slender neck. Laying me slowly down to rest. As I loose myself, myself, myself. Doubts like inhibition lowers until I am just as exposed and on display as our midnight performer in the sky. Now falling, falling, falling below the horizon.
Lust, once too afraid to show its face comes pouring out like a drink in a lush`s cup. And is just as bottomless and continuous I continued to let it fill me up.
Because before I was just there to get a light buzz but now I am here to get love drunk. And never return to sobriety ever again. Forever love drunk, as the moon takes her bow and says goodnight, goodnight, goodnight.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Example: You take delight in vexing me by deliberately using bad grammar.
Portmanteau. A large suitcase or trunk that opens into two equal parts.
Example: That portmanteau will not fit in the overhead bin and must be checked.
Naught. Means zero or nothing. It can also mean to ruin, disregard, or despise.
Example: Her behavior tends to set propriety at naught.
Foible. A weakness or eccentricity in someone's character.
Example: She loved him in spite of his foibles.
Parvenu. A person who has suddenly risen to a higher social or economic class, but who has not gained social acceptance in that class.
Example: He was treated like a parvenu at the country club dinner.
Sentinel. A soldier or guard who keeps watch; to keep guard or watch.
Example: Bennett heard a strange noise and asked the sentinel to stay close.
Moribund. At the point of death; dying.
Example: Kathryn was unsure how to save her moribund career.
Beslobber. To smear with spittle or anything running from the mouth.
Example: In this drunken and beslobbered state, the lieutenant returned to the ship.
Nonplussed. Bewildered or unsure how to respond.
Example: Anna's hot and cold behavior has left me completely nonplussed.
Loquacious. Means talkative or continually chattering.
Example: Jane was pleased that her new assistant was not particularly loquacious.
Forbear. To refrain or resist; to be tolerant or patient if provoked.
Example: My approach this year has been to forbear and maintain a professional demeanor at all times.
Erudite. An educated or learned person; scholarly with an emphasis on knowledge gained from books.
Example: "Not everything is in your books," Steve told his erudite friend.
Mellifluous. Means smooth or sweet and is generally used to describe a person's voice, tone, or writing style.
Example: Patrick O'Brian's style is best described as mellifluous, sweeping the reader along from the first words.
Redolent. Fragrant or sweet smelling; strongly reminiscent or suggestive of something.
Example: These words are redolent of earlier times, when language was more formal.
Denouement. The final resolution of a story or a complex series of events.
Example: Will the denouement be explosive or serene?
Thursday, January 3, 2013
my humility
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Nature is the body of my God.
Nature does some pretty “awful” things like giving terminal bone cancer to babies, having a mother gazelle watch as a lion eats the intestines of her still crying baby, etc.
So while we can point to Nature’s beauty, harmony, and love and call that “good” — we can just as easily point to her decay, pain, and suffering and call that “bad”.
But I see Nature as neither [or both at once] — because she must be taken in the totality of all things.
You couldn’t highlight the good bits and call her “benevolent Mother” — and you couldn’t highlight the nasty bits and call her “scorned Witch”. There’s an impartial balance and a refusal to “take sides” in Nature.