The words she didn't say were still ringing in her head. No...not ringing. Screaming! Wanting and needing to come pouring out. Like the liquor she knows she shouldn't have drunk. But the heart whispers doubts and sows her mouth shut. She must not be weak it says. You need that drunken smile to hide behind a normal front.
Existing in the middle of a day and a dream she finds she is feeling wonderful lost in between. So unaware and yet feeling too much. Seeing things not meant to be seen.
But its the tender touches hurts the most and yet we are addicted to the things we hate. Another burning swallow prevents her from crying too much.
Wanting to runaway from fate, all of life's trials, and the sad faces she see when she closes her eyes. Is nothing but a broken wish.
So pathetic the words scream as she brings the bottle up for another kiss.