I hate being interrupted. But when I say interrupted I dont mean it in the conventional way that associates interference with interruption.
Really interruption isnt the right word to describe what I am talking about but its close. I feel it can be better explained as I feeling of irritation when the flow of my life is put on paused with forces that is outside of my control and take me out of my comfort zone. Whether its a conscience doing or not. Routine also isnt the right word to describe my life but its also close.
When the familiar beat or rhythm of life wraps its security blanket around me. I must be aware that it can act as both my savior and executioner. For my intuition is always going to tell me to stay walking along the predicted road. Stay hidden in inclusive to avoid collision.
But sometimes I need to get off that path to roam and view new interesting sceneries. How will I ever experience life to the fullest if I dont. But that is easier said that done. Obviously. But Im still young and growing so no need to be in a rush to explore this noble world.