Thursday, July 22, 2010

3 word Wednesday

bait jump victim


She was finally free and finally here.

Along with the breezy blue lipstick, she wore a wavering smirk on her lips that appeared to be melting into a frown. Control was never her strong point, but that can be fixed easily with a double shot of vodka. Nerves in all.

Her left hand felt naked without the band that use to suffocated her finger. For 6 years it was as if it slowly sucked life from her body. It mimicked her husbands hands almost perfectly. Except it took a little longer for her to get the ring to off, even after Big Red was sentenced away.

Cause she played the victim for so long, she didnt need to pretend to be bait. They smelled the vulnerability on her as soon as she entered the lounge. The eyes of 3 suits near the end of the bar had practically jumped out their sockets at her skin tight tube dress. It was the same color as the lipstick. Her new favorite color breezy blue number 4.

Tonight she was free, and planned on taking full advantage.