"Purification, cleansing and purging on all levels of our Being is essential on this journey of Self ascension. This includes physical detox through drinking pure water, getting lots of sunshine, spending time in Nature, rising our vibration through sound and Light patterns, eating healthy and raw organic Light foods, etc.
Mental purging consists of speaking, writing and acting only through love, not the ego, choosing to respond instead of react, observing our thoughts through conscious observation and non judgment.
Emotional purification includes practicing forgiveness and compassion until there is no more need to forgive, for the Heart is open at all times, and we become pure embodiment of Divine Love. Spiritual purging consists of always seeing things from a higher perspective, reaching towards our Angelic Self and connecting to I AM Presence, with the assistance of invoking the sacred Violet Flame of purification and transmutation, as well as any other rays and energies within the highest Light of One!
When we purify on all the levels, we become a pure vessel for Spirit! Welcome in your New Self … your only true Self!"