Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fallen angels and Noose-like halos

Hey wake up!

What the-!? Oh hey
what are you doing down here?
I fell.

You fell?
I fell and hurt myself pretty bad.

Lemme see.
I pull my halo down.
You watch as it slips around my shoulders.
A ring burns a mark into my flesh.

How long has it been like that?

For a while now, it hurts.
I bet. You bleed so pretty though.
I wish it would stop.

Even as I choke on your embers,
I still wanted to bring you back to me.
Except you hovered too high
Just out of my reach.
So you fell? 

Who made you fall?
I did.
Who pushed you over the edge?
I swing my feet & advert my
eyes to the floor, bashfully
I did.

And now you are down here.
Is that a problem?

No, never a problem for me, m’dear.
I blush billowing smoke &
warmth from within.

But, why would you do such a thing
to yourself?
I didn’t want to feel any more
mouths that tasted too hollow to speak
half-truths & empty lies.
So I let my halo slip and let myself free-fall.

You extend yourself & sit up in your bed.  
Envelop & pull me in towards your silvery psyche.

You look tired, wanna lie down? 
Why are you being so nice?

Because I want to.
You turn your face into my nook to kiss
my burning flesh & cry on the blacken blisters. 
I don’t want to be a burden, I say.
Sweetheart, so far you’ve only been a burden to yourself.

Your words sting with burning honesty
I withdraw into myself.
Calm down and come lie down with me.
I don’t want burn you.
I wouldn’t mind if you did.
I step my bare-feet to the edge.
You pull your heathen ashen feathers
and presses it lightly into my skin.
I grip the marble sides of your bedpost
leaving behind scorch trails and soot as I
climb in.

I feel right in here.
You smile sadly with your eyes &
I sleepily blink mine.

I used to get really lonely, you know.
You did?


And now you don’t?

You shake your head and more grey feathers fall.

Nope, not anymore I think.

What happened?

You finally decided to come down and
wake me up.