Thursday, May 6, 2010

Staring into the Sun

Her stare was hard.
Like a rock type hard
that was thrown from her hand
and caught
by my face.

I can taste blood

from where I accidentally bit
the insides of my cheek
to keep from crying.

And fuck did it hurt
the stare I mean.
Not the rock metaphor
used to describe the stare.

That was all figurative

But then if the stare was like a rock
then the 5 words that followed was
the pull of the trigger

to the gun
that released the metal bullet
which pierced my heart
and literally killed me.


I sat on the top of the Sequoia tree
blinding myself by watching the sun in the sky.
Watched him be foolishly swallow by the horizon
Knowing he will be just be puke out by tomorrow.
I guess he likes the ride.


When it nightfalls I turned my eyes to look at the moody moon
playing hide and seek behind dark travelers called Clouds.
When I stretched my fingertips towards her,
She turns savage and I get frostbite.