Saturday, July 10, 2010

Going to bed.

The acrid smell of irritation still lingered around my nose as I walked the threshold of my home. My tepid response was read easily by the world, as people quickly move away from me.

As I stumbled in my bed, relief washes away all headache bringing annoyance I finally fell into a daydream.

One arm stretched over my eyes for extra protection from the light. I was grateful for the softness under me, as I finally drift off. Already loathing the bane of my awakening. The morning.

three word

acrid: Sharp and harsh, or bitter and not to the taste; pungent; Causing heat and irritation; corrosive; Caustic; bitter; bitterly irritating

tepid: lukewarm: moderately warm; "he hates lukewarm coffee"; "tepid bath water"
halfhearted: feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm; "a halfhearted effort";

bane: something causing misery or death; "the bane of my life"